YouPickMyName Thread

From this thread about weird shit kids say:

I was visiting family for winter break in Los Angeles, this was about five years ago. I was heading to the bathroom on the second floor of my aunt's house when I saw my cousin, April, on the stairs. April was four and very animated. She was busy making funny faces while sitting on the stairs. I asked her what she was doing. She said, "I'm copying the lady with the braid." I looked around, there was no one else but us. I asked, "where is the lady, April?" She pointed to a beam running parallel to the stairwell. I asked April, "what is the lady doing?" She said, "makin' funny faces." I smiled and started walking up the stairs again when April said something that stopped me in my tracks. April, "her braids is around her neck." I turned back and asked April to repeat herself. April pointed,"the lady is hanging by her braid... She's making funny faces." Then April started making a face which I then realize was it someone gasping for air.

Creepy as balls.

EDIT: A lot of people are calling fake because it's from /r/nosleep which encourages fictional writing. The story isn't all that unlikely, any kid could have said it.

Not everything posted here is fake (and I speak from experience), it may well have just been exaggerated.