I have a unexplainable story to tell that happened to me.
A few months ago I had this really scary dream that seemed so real. In my dream, I was in my bed doing something on my laptop. Suddenly I just had a bad feeling something wasnt right. Like I somehow knew something was in my room with me that shouldnt be there. I jump off my bed, and hurry and flip my light on. I flip it on just in time to be this weird black shadow sphere thing with legs zoom under my bed. I woke up scared and crying, but it felt so real and I just knew whatever I saw was very evil.
The next day me and my dad were watching one of those ghost shows like My Ghost Story on TV. In the episode this women was in her room, and all of a sudden she felt like something wasnt right. She turned her light switch on just in time to see a weird black shadow sphere thing with legs scurry under her bed. It pretty much looked exactly like the thing I saw in my dream. I flipped the fuck out.