Back in high school, we combined our football team with another. Most of us were pretty standoffish, but one took the initiative and we all started getting along. He was an Emillo Estavez look a like, and that was the time Young guns came out. He was kind of a hellion, but around 21, he waa turning around. He was killed by a drunk driver in his home town and it tore me up. Went to his visitation and cried, unashamedly, like baby. When I went to bed that night, I dreamt of walking through a forest of birch trees. The ones with the white, peely bark. I came upon a house overlooking a pond, still surrounded by those trees. As I stopped, I heard someone walk up next to me. I looked over and it was him. He looked at me, smiled and said, "I'm ok." I woke up with a tear soaked pillow, but went right back to sleep and slept so soundly. Fast forward a couple months and found that he had commissioned a painting... of a house, overlooking a pond, surrounded by birch trees...