effervescenc-e Thread

This story was told to me by my ex boyfriend's mother.

My ex boyfriend's mother had both of her sons at quite a young age, but was adamant on being self sufficient, so she chose to not continue living under the provision of her parents. She held a minimum wage job, and therefore could only afford to live in the most basic of housing. Her circumstance forced her to find housing in one of the poorest, and notoriously dangerous parts of town. To her surprise, finding a fairly decent apartment was not too difficult, and the landlord of the building was more than kind to this young mother and her two sons. The neighbourhood seemed to be quiet enough for an area that was widely known for constant occurrences of gang violence.

Her two young sons would often wake up in the middle of the night, for various reasons - wetting the bed or their childlike innocence conjuring up images of monsters in the closet. One night, they woke up, telling their mother that they wanted to sleep in her bed that night because they saw a scary boogeyman near their door. This alarmed the mother, but she chose to brush off her sons' chilling complaint as a dream, and allowed them to sleep in her bed.

A couple hours later, she is awoken to the sound of someone walking around her bedroom. She can feel her two sons sleeping soundly under each of her arms, eliminating the possibility that one of them has woken up and started wandering around. Although she was awake, she dared not open her eyes in fear of what this intruder may do in the event that she is seen awake, so she must stay still, with her eyes closed, praying that her sons do not wake up, as they usually do. The intruder goes about her room for what seems to be hours, rummaging through drawers and opening the closet. At one point, she told me, the intruder even comes up to the bed - she could hear heavy breathing near their faces. After what seems like an eternity, the intruder leaves her house, with her sons not waking up during the incident. She proceeded to call the police, and weeks later, they make a horrifying discovery.

The intruder was the landlord.

EDIT: Grammar.