A few years back, in university a few friends and I "calling spirits" through the ouija board - we did this 2 days and had the usual "this is so scary and funny at the same time" experience
A few days later, one of my friends (let's call him Hank) came to my room to try it again - I had another friend in studying with me (Sam), who had never participated in ouija before - Hank and I put the glass upside down, and started "calling" for spirits
A few seconds later, I looked up and it felt like the faces of both Hank and Sam were changing in a very weird kind of way... their faces were becoming more oily and shiny, the eyebrows seems to be arching up and getting pointy on the edges and their smiles were becoming more... evil...
I put my head down thinking it was just a stupid thought induced by the idea we were calling for spirits... a few seconds later, Hank looks up at Sam and suddenly freaks out - tells Sam to get out of the room because his face is scaring the hell out of him....
Sam goes out and I tell Hank to stop doing ouija because I noticed the same thing in both of them....
Yes, I would never believe it if someone told me... but it did happen...