cjjmfg Thread

My grandmother passed away in March of 2009. Her visitation was an open casket, so she was dressed in a sea foam green pantsuit and her hair was lightly colored gold, just as we remembered her. After the visitation, I said my goodbyes and made my way back to Ohio so I could go back to school and whatnot. Weeks later, I visited my grandpa to check up on him and the family, see how things were after her passing, etc. I went into my grandpa's room and all around him, staring up at his TV (he had it about eight feet from the ground on the top shelf of his closet), was my family: dad, uncle, aunt, everyone. They all have straight, almost terrified faces. I looked up at the TV, on which my grandpa had his DVR paused on EWTN, a Catholic television station -- he was very, very religious. Almost simultaneously everyone in the room said "WATCH" and my grandpa hit play. EWTN must have been discussing modern Israel or something because all I saw was a mass of people walking through what looked like ancient ruins. They were all dressed in drab, plain clothing. Nothing too colorful. It's just this mad rush of people, none of whom are particularly interested in the camera, which seems to be above them pointing diagonally down. Out of the corner of my eye I see my aunt brace herself and cover her mouth with her hand. Just as everyone in the room gasped, I saw it: a figure in the center of the crowd, wearing a sea foam green pantsuit and with golden hair, staring directly at the camera. For a good three seconds she stares, emotionless, before disappearing in the crowd. Everyone in the room lost it, including me.

I'm not religious at all, nor am I very superstitious, but this still makes my spine tingle.